Monday, December 5, 2022

 Hello Everyone, hope you have a good week. Getting close to Christmas and l hope y'all have your shopping done. Haven't done to much crazy stuff lately sorry to say. Have had dental work done and God l hate going to the dentist (he's a nice guy) l have had soooo much dental work done, could have bought a new car. My wife left me. She and a couple of her friends went off for the weekend. She came back thank goodness. Looking for a part time job to do something as I'm bored. Wife suggested  something in the sanitation field as she say's l'm full of you know what. Don't know what I want to do but nothing stinky.  I think that I might become a --------(suggestions, keep it nice). Well I'm off to sweep, mop, change the sheets, clean the toilet and the bathroom, wash the pots and dishes, dust, wash and fold the clothes, set the table, water the lawn, feed the dog, clean the counters and take out the garbage. Till next time, Go Saints.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Hello everyone I've been on a world tour the last couple of months. Left New Orleans and spent a few days in New York had a great time. Flew to London and meet the Queen kinda (saw her on the balcony) then went to Paris, the food is so good and spent two weeks traveling the country side. Next part of the trip was a week in Tuscany and drank too much wine and ate way too much. Flew out of Naples to India and it was ok but they had too many people there. Left after a week and went to Vietnam and it was really fun but couldn't understand them. Next stop, Japan and it is a unique place and the people are very nice. Last stop was Australia and spent a couple of weeks there. l think as l was drunk most of the time. Lastly, I spent a long weekend with my brothers and sisters in Gulf Shores, Alabama and that is the only part of this story that is true. My wife say's I'm sorta sarcastic. Until next time, Ain't life grand.

Friday, September 23, 2022

 Well folks it's Friday and l hope everyone had a good week. Wifey and l are going out to eat tonight and then we are going to go dancing. After that we will be bar hoping to the wee hours. Rented a hotel room down in the French Quarter to finish off the night. When we get up we'll go to some cozy restaurant to have breakfast with a good bloody mary and maybe eggs benedict. We'll stroll around for a while and go to the French Market have a light lunch and go back to our room and well you know what. Saturday night we'll repeat and check out Sunday morning. Go home and relax and watch the Saints play. That is what we used to do before we had kids. Gotta you. Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 Hello to anyone and everyone. I was checking out at a store with the wifey the other day and they had this very cute young lady at the register. l turned to my wife and said that l was probably old enough to be her uncle. Well my wifey burst out with laughter. What's up with that? Feeling pretty good about myself. Went to the doctor the other day and she (yes l have a female doctor and l think she likes me) said that l have the body of a 65 year old not bad for a 68 year old. Exercising now because l saw myself naked yesterday and l had my glasses on. So at least five minutes a day l'm going to get fit and also not look at myself naked if l'm wearing my glasses. Everyone have a good day. Go Saints.

Monday, September 12, 2022

 Well my beautiful grandson came over yesterday and we had a great time. He's nine months old and is so funny and happy. Just like a baby should be. Today I took a long nap to try and recover. My next door neighbor brought over some cake, l thought that was really nice of her. How about those Saints, l don't think Atlanta can't choke. l mean they have to be the worst team ever when it comes to closing out a game thought they did beat the point spread. That's it for today, we were very boring. P.S. did buy a lottery let you know how that turns out.

Friday, September 9, 2022

 Hello Everyone, been out of pocket lately. I have to start off by saying l have the best wife in the whole world. You see I'm a royal pain in the ass. Today we were at the drug store and as we were checking out this cute little high school girl checking us out asked if we needed a bag. So me, being a smart ass, asked her did she say my wife was a old bag. Well she turned 10 shades of red and the wifey just rolled her eyes. The night before the wifey is outside with the dog with her back is to the sliding glass door and l banged on the door with my ring. .She jumped two feet and she told me to come outside  and watch the dog. Glad she didn't lock me out but the dog was still outside with me. Earlier that day she was cleaning out the toilet. l came up behind and told her she was doing a good job. She was pissed because l scared her. So l had to leave quickly because l had to laugh and l didn't want to push my luck because she had the toilet cleaning brush in her hand. l was at Bassil's Hardware today and got a toilet anchor repair kit to fix the bolts since they were loose. Fixed one side but the other side was stripped so l guess I'll have to call a plumber because the the wifey say's she too busy to fix the toilet correctly. Had to have a martini when l finished but l did wash my hands first. Told the wifey there is no way in the world she could die before me. She's going directly to heaven when she passes, me I'll probably be going to purgatory for a few years. Have you guessed my religion. Till next time peace.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

 In beautiful Big Hill, Mississippi. It's in the middle of nowhere and that is fine with me and wifey. Right now wifey is reading a book and relaxing. We were out by the pool earlier. We discover a really good butcher in Long Beach called the Cajun Gourmet and he's a hoot and the meat and supplies are excellent. Our dog (mama)  has been running around like crazy and last night she snored all night long. I have a really good wife most of the times because l do stuff to annoy her and most of the time l mean too. Sometimes l do and l don't know why. I really don't have much to say because we have been pretty boring this weekend out in the middle of nowhere. Everyone have a good week.

 Hello Everyone, hope you have a good week. Getting close to Christmas and l hope y'all have your shopping done. Haven't done to muc...