Thursday, August 11, 2022

  I'm sitting on my porch with my goofy dog and it's raining. So lighting strikes and thunder booms and my 65lb brave Lab knocks me over to get back inside(stupid dog). As I'm sitting there water starts to collect in the street so l go and get my raincoat and go to clean out the drain in front of the house. Well here l am cleaning out the drain and this  car coming down the street splashes me and I'm totally soaked. So l figure I'll go inside and dry of, well my goofy dog closed the door on me and it's a automatic lock door so l go to the side door it's locked and the backdoor is locked too. So l go and sit in the carport wet and aggravated. l go and try my car handles and it's open(praise the Lord). Well l keep a pint of booze in the center console for medical emergencies. So l took a little sip to stay warm but l was still cold, well lets just say l wasn't cold after about a half. Then the wife found me in the car taking a nap. Ain't life grand.

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 Hello Everyone, hope you have a good week. Getting close to Christmas and l hope y'all have your shopping done. Haven't done to muc...