Wednesday, August 10, 2022

 Just want to let everybody know that I love being a jokester but not in a mean way. I have asthma so l use a inhaler and when you take the top off and put it back on it clicks. I keep it in my pocket and l just open and close out of habit some time,. So I'm talking to the wifey the other day and she say's do hear that clicking and l say no, at first l didn't know what she was talking about but then l understood it was my inhaler. So being me l started doing it more often around her and she kept asking me if l heard it and l kept telling her no. l kept it up all day and she keep asking about the clicking noise and l told her she was hearing something. Well she said she thought she was going nuts so we sat down and and l asked her it a serious way what was wrong, was she stressed out about the kids or work are or our marriage. She said not more then usual so l asked if she wanted to go and see ENT doctor and she said probably. So then l took my inhaler out of my pocket and did a puff and closed it and smiled. She hit me on my arm and called me an asshole and we both laughed. It's great being married.

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 Hello Everyone, hope you have a good week. Getting close to Christmas and l hope y'all have your shopping done. Haven't done to muc...