Thursday, August 25, 2022

 In beautiful Big Hill, Mississippi. It's in the middle of nowhere and that is fine with me and wifey. Right now wifey is reading a book and relaxing. We were out by the pool earlier. We discover a really good butcher in Long Beach called the Cajun Gourmet and he's a hoot and the meat and supplies are excellent. Our dog (mama)  has been running around like crazy and last night she snored all night long. I have a really good wife most of the times because l do stuff to annoy her and most of the time l mean too. Sometimes l do and l don't know why. I really don't have much to say because we have been pretty boring this weekend out in the middle of nowhere. Everyone have a good week.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

 Hello World, hope life is treating you good. Picked a watermelon out of my garden, one of two we had this season. Alas it was green, don't know what happened. Spent probably spent five or six hundred bucks on our garden this year. We got three tomatoes, two watermelon, four bell peppers, a bunch of okra (which l don't like of course) lots of figs and shallots. We'll try it again next year but maybe with different stuff. One of my sons fell in a ditch at work yesterday and got wet, l hope he doesn't consider that a bath. My other son is still smooching with his new bride probably (she's a cutie). Berto, the guy who cuts our grass, was out there today in 94 degree weather cutting the grass.  Couldn't do that without having a heart attack. Wonder what's for dinner tonight?

Monday, August 15, 2022

 Nothing going on today except it's hot, hot, and hot. Was washing my car at one of those do it yourself places and l dropped the stupid hose. Slipped trying to get it, got wet, and full of suds.  Good part is l won't have to take a bath today. Good news too, one of my son's sold his car yesterday and now is looking for a new one. It is unbelievable how expensive autos are.  Does anyone get tired of watching network TV. I mean how many commercials can they run in a program. I don't need 99.9% of the medicine they are trying to sell on TV. I think they are making up stuff to make people think they are sick and need to take their medicine. Wonder if we are the most medicated nation in the world? I prefer beer but not too much. Just saw where some company (don't know their name) is pushing digital concerts how stupid is that. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

 Went to the wine store today with wifey to get some beer (boy can she put it away). So we're waiting in line and this young lady puts down a couple of bottles of high end Tequila and l asked if it was good stuff. She said it was rated the best in 2022. l told her l wasn't coming on to her because l was there with wifey and she kind of giggled. Oh, before that a couple was checking out in front of us. They dropped something  on the floor and l told him. He said l know, so ok you're a jerk. Well we get up to check out and Mary(the cashier) said he was rude and that he should have said thank you. I told Mary that some people just go thru life miserable and they aren't going to bring me down. So we're walking to the car and my beautiful, wonderful, smart wife looks at me and says that l was old enough to be that girl's dad, and l said some women like older men. Another day in paradise. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

 Watching the news, boy you talk about depressing. Dropped some of the wife's stuff from a bathroom cabinet into the toilet. Kinda cleaner if off. Wasn't anything important like a toothbrush just stuff like  combs and brushes. Going have some beers this weekend not sure how many yet but more than one but less than thirty two. Got a headache so see you later alligator.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

  I'm sitting on my porch with my goofy dog and it's raining. So lighting strikes and thunder booms and my 65lb brave Lab knocks me over to get back inside(stupid dog). As I'm sitting there water starts to collect in the street so l go and get my raincoat and go to clean out the drain in front of the house. Well here l am cleaning out the drain and this  car coming down the street splashes me and I'm totally soaked. So l figure I'll go inside and dry of, well my goofy dog closed the door on me and it's a automatic lock door so l go to the side door it's locked and the backdoor is locked too. So l go and sit in the carport wet and aggravated. l go and try my car handles and it's open(praise the Lord). Well l keep a pint of booze in the center console for medical emergencies. So l took a little sip to stay warm but l was still cold, well lets just say l wasn't cold after about a half. Then the wife found me in the car taking a nap. Ain't life grand.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

 Just want to let everybody know that I love being a jokester but not in a mean way. I have asthma so l use a inhaler and when you take the top off and put it back on it clicks. I keep it in my pocket and l just open and close out of habit some time,. So I'm talking to the wifey the other day and she say's do hear that clicking and l say no, at first l didn't know what she was talking about but then l understood it was my inhaler. So being me l started doing it more often around her and she kept asking me if l heard it and l kept telling her no. l kept it up all day and she keep asking about the clicking noise and l told her she was hearing something. Well she said she thought she was going nuts so we sat down and and l asked her it a serious way what was wrong, was she stressed out about the kids or work are or our marriage. She said not more then usual so l asked if she wanted to go and see ENT doctor and she said probably. So then l took my inhaler out of my pocket and did a puff and closed it and smiled. She hit me on my arm and called me an asshole and we both laughed. It's great being married.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

 Was driving around today running some errands and l know why personal injury attorneys are so rich. Lot's of people just plain don't pay attention to the road and don't think the rules apply to them. Okay enough complaining. Went to Bassil's hardware store to get some mouse traps. I think l may have mice in the attic. Anyway Bassil"s hardware has just about double in size and they are super helpful. they don't run away when you want to ask a question, actually they greet you most of the time and ask if they can help you. Like in the old days. Ate dinner at Mr Ed's on Live Oak St, the other day and had their onion rings and they were as good as anyone else's in the city also had their Grilled Gulf Shrimp and it was delicious. Can't eat there too often as I'll get fat. Well that's about it for today except to  be as nice too people as you can. The world needs it.

Monday, August 8, 2022

 I was sitting on my front porch with the wife and I thought she said something{i'm a little hard of hearing}so l asked what she said and she said she hadn't said anything, So a few minutes later she say's something again and l ask what she said and she gives me this crazy look and say's she didn't say anything. Well a few more  minutes pass and she say's something and l look at her but don't say anything and the she say's that was a crow squawking. She hits me on my arm and goes inside. Ain't life grand.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Hello Anyone and Everyone,   

 I'm starting my own blog to say hello to everyone  and to get to know more about everything. I want this to be a pleasant  place to be. It's raining right now so l thought this would be a good time to start. l really don't know what I am doing but l'm going to learn as l go along. I've gone thru life not knowing what l was doing quite a few times but l'm still here(thank you God).  Our dog Mama(not my choice of a name) is a Labrador Retriever and she doesn't like the rain. She just now wanted to go out and when she stuck her nose out she looked at me and went to her bed. I'm really thinking about not watching the local news anymore. Living in the New Orleans area and watching the news is sooo depressing.  If you've never  been to New Orleans it's really is a beautiful city. Unfortunately can't recommend at this time, hopefully in the future l will be able to. Been here just about my whole life. The food is really world class. You can go into some little rinky dink  looking restaurant and get a really great meal. 

 Hello Everyone, hope you have a good week. Getting close to Christmas and l hope y'all have your shopping done. Haven't done to muc...